After a truck accident, many individuals are unsure of the necessary steps to safeguard themselves. Here are essential actions to consider:

  • Seek medical attention from a doctor or hospital promptly.
  • Preserve any potential evidence linked to the accident.
  • Gather contact details from witnesses at the scene.
  • Submit a report detailing the truck accident.

It can be extremely beneficial to enlist the services of a truck accident attorney who can support you throughout the claims process. Your legal representative will craft a strong case to help you move forward with recovering both physically and financially.

Ensure Prompt Medical Care for Your Injuries from a Truck Accident

Ensuring safety is paramount. If anyone involved in an accident sustains an injury, it’s crucial to promptly reach out to emergency medical services. Even if you do not have any visible injuries it is extremely important to still visit a qualified medical professional as soon as possible following an incident. Some injuries may not present immediately, a doctor can provide a full evaluation, provide the care you need, and document any injuries they may find.

According to Florida Statutes § 627.736, seeking medical attention within 14 days is necessary to activate your personal injury protection (PIP) coverage in Florida. This action not only activates your insurance coverage but also provides crucial evidence for your case. Your medical records should clearly delineate the nature and extent of injuries, connect them to the accident, and elaborate on your prognosis and treatment regimen.

Notify Authorities of the Truck Accident

Contact local law enforcement to properly report and document the truck accident, as required by Florida Statutes § 316.066. This is crucial for accidents involving commercial vehicles, especially in cases of injuries, fatalities, or significant damage.

Law enforcement will arrive at the scene to document the findings in the accident report. If they do not, you must initiate the report within 10 days.

Collect All Evidence Pertaining to the Truck Collision

When dealing with a truck accident, it’s crucial to gather and protect all relevant details. Make sure to document the accident scene thoroughly, capturing photos of any vehicle damage, road conditions, and surrounding environment. These visuals can serve as key evidence during insurance claims or legal proceedings. Additionally, recording videos of the accident aftermath can further enhance the clarity of the incident details, providing a comprehensive perspective for assessment and analysis.

Gather Contact Details from Other Drivers and Witnesses

After gathering photo and video evidence make sure you gather information from all parties involved in the incident. This is necessary to:

  • Identify all individuals part of the collision
  • Reach out to witnesses for their accounts
  • Take legal action against the appropriate parties

While law enforcement might document these details in the accident report, it’s advisable to gather this information independently if feasible. This ensures you have it readily available for your lawyer’s use upon request.

Why You Should Consult a Truck Accident Lawyer to Review Your Case

Hiring a lawyer after following these steps can provide valuable assistance. A lawyer manages essential communications with other drivers, insurance representatives, law enforcement, and all involved parties following the incident.

Your attorney will also pursue various forms of financial compensation that you may rightfully deserve. If another party is responsible for your injuries, you could potentially receive compensation to cover both current and future medical expenses.

Nevertheless, negotiating for these potential compensations can be quite challenging for those involved in accidents. A lawyer will intervene to oversee the negotiation process on your behalf, engaging with other drivers, insurance firms, and law enforcement officers.

The Benefits of Hiring a Truck Accident Lawyer

FGB Law Firm’s dedicated team of highly experienced lawyers will guide you through the entire process of filing a truck accident claim. Our services include:

  • Thoroughly investigating the accident to determine its cause and the liable parties
  • Assessing and estimating the extent of your damages
  • Conducting interviews with witnesses
  • Gathering evidence from the trucking company
  • Crafting a compelling case to seek financial compensation
  • Clarifying the pertinent laws, such as the statute of limitations, that pertain to your situation
  • Providing unwavering support both inside and outside the courtroom

We offer all these services on a contingency fee basis and offer an initial case review at no charge. Our goal is to eliminate any financial obstacles that may prevent you from seeking legal representation because you deserve to have a dedicated advocate in your corner.

Act Now To Pursue Compensation For Your Truck Accident Related Injuries

In Florida, the statute of limitations outlined in Florida Statutes § 95.11 (3)(a) grants individuals four years to pursue legal action following an injury. Failing to act within this timeframe often limits opportunities for seeking justice.

In the event of a truck accident, swift action can significantly impact the case’s outcome. Providing early notice to a lawyer allows for evidence collection, accident investigation, and the development of a strong legal strategy tailored to your specific situation.

Contact FGB Law Firm Today

If you’re unsure about the next steps after a truck accident, seeking legal guidance can be invaluable. The dedicated team at FGB Law Firm in Port Charlotte is here to assist you in gathering evidence, determining liability, and pursuing the financial compensation you deserve. To learn more, call 941-979-9010 or complete our online form to get your free case consultation.