Are you aware of the fact that you can negotiate your medical bills? Many people are not and are under the belief they must pay whatever shows up on the bottom line of the bill they receive. Few people even check to see what they are being charged for. We are providing you with information on how to become a savvy consumer when it comes to your medical bills.
Mistakes on Medical Bills
While the majority of bills may be accurate, if you are the one person in thousands who winds up with an inaccurate bill, you could end up paying more than necessary. According to Money Magazine, coding of your bill could hide mistakes for which you could be paying. While you may not understand the coding that is on your bill, you can ask about it and make sure that you are paying for procedures you actually received.
Know the Cost of Procedures
Find out the price range for the procedure you are scheduled to have. When you know the real cost of the procedure, you may have some leverage for bargaining for a better price if what you are going to be billed for is much higher. Your insurance carrier may have their negotiated rates listed on their website. You can also check out websites such as New Choice Health and Blue Book to find out the cost of certain procedures.
Ask for Help Lowering Your Medical Bills
Before you commit to having a procedure performed, find out if the doctor and/or hospital would be willing to lower the cost. When you talk to the people in charge, be sure to speak with confidence and ask for what you want. Let them know their current cost is high, and you would like to find out if they are willing to lower the cost for you. You may be able to get a discount if you pay for the procedure up front.
If you are paying your medical bills out-of-pocket now, when you were covered by insurance before, inquire if you can pay at the same rate as the insurance company if you pay up-front. Such a deal could save you as much as 40% in medical costs.
Can It Be an Outpatient Procedure?
Some medical procedures require a hospital stay, where others can be done on a less expensive outpatient basis. Find out if you can have the procedure done as an outpatient. Your doctor may have a good reason for you to have the hospital stay, however, if it is not absolutely necessary, why incur the additional costs? Your medical bills as an outpatient could be thousands of dollars less.
These are just a few suggestions to help with lowering your medical bills. There are other avenues to explore, as well. Discovering new ways of saving you money is one of the perks we provide on our blog at Frohlich, Gordon & Beason, P.A. Call us if you need assistance with business litigation or need legal help because of a personal injury. We are the lawyers who care. Our law offices serve residents of Southwest Florida including the Port Charlotte, North Port and Englewood areas.