After a car accident, you may be reluctant to receive medical care due to the pain and distress of the situation. However, what you might not realize is that failure to get medical attention can potentially have severe consequences in terms of your health as well as your case’s future outcome. It is advisable that you seek professional help after being involved in such an event.

Dealing with medical treatment after an automobile accident may not be pleasant, but it is essential for ensuring your wellbeing and allowing your lawyer to have more evidence and knowledge about the case. In this article, we will discuss why you should accept any necessary medical care that has been suggested by a professional.

Why Someone May Choose To Refuse Medical Treatment

People are often reluctant to seek medical care following a car accident, assuming that their initial symptoms appear minor or non-existent. It can also be because of the anxiety associated with being in a clinical setting and feeling overwhelmed.

In some circumstances, car accident-related injuries may not be apparent immediately following a crash. This can occur from the shock at the scene of an incident or because wounds are still developing; in rare cases, they even go undetected.

Looking out for your wellbeing and potential legal case should be a top priority after an accident. Get seen for any injuries you may have, even if they seem minor – this is especially important in the case of concussions that can become worse over time without medical attention.

Refusing medical treatment can be detrimental to your health and any potential claim you may make. While it’s common for individuals to feel uncomfortable around doctors – a phenomenon known as white coat syndrome – it is still essential that you do not refuse medical care in order to maintain your wellbeing and ensure the validity of your case.

What Happens If You Refuse Medical Treatment?

From a legal standpoint, if you were to refuse medical treatment after a car accident, your case may not have the outcome you were hoping to have. From a medical standpoint, you could also be putting your health in jeopardy.

If you decide not to seek medical treatment after a car crash, it could be detrimental for your case if you choose to pursue legal action. Without records of any injuries sustained in the accident, there will be little evidence available when filing a third-party claim. Properly documented medical information from an auto collision can play a significant role in determining the outcome of your suit and should never be overlooked.

According to Florida’s statute of limitations, you have four years from the date of the crash to file a claim. When filing a report about an accident that was another driver’s fault, your injuries are crucial for receiving adequate compensation. Refusing medical help can make your case appear less serious than it is and potentially lead to its quick dismissal. By seeking immediate medical attention after being involved in an accident, however, you demonstrate how significant your injury is and the gravity of this situation.

What Is A Car Accident Personal Injury Claim?

Florida’s no-fault system mandates that all drivers involved in an accident seek compensation from their own insurer. However, if you choose to leave the no-fault system, your lawyer will likely recommend filing a personal injury suit.

If you’ve experienced an injury due to someone else’s negligence in Florida, you may be eligible for a personal injury claim. However, your case must meet certain criteria like sustaining serious physical injuries before proceeding. If the defendant does not propose a sufficient settlement amount and it is declined by you as the plaintiff, then your situation will have to go through court whereupon a jury will decide on how much compensation is adequate. During the trial, your lawyer will present evidence to the jury that may include any refusal of medical assistance. If this is included in the case and taken into account by jurors, it could have a significant impact on how much you receive from your lawsuit at its conclusion.

In order to reach a just settlement for those who have been injured in car accidents, non-economic damages must be considered. These refer to any physical or emotional pain and suffering endured due to the incident, and can help plaintiffs receive an amount that meets their needs as they recover.

For instance, if your medical records reflect that you experienced a loss of bodily movement or any other kind of serious injury and received treatment for it, this report can help support your claim. However, if you didn’t receive treatment and don’t have a record documenting the non-economic damages incurred as a result of the injury, it could significantly lower the amount awarded to you since there is no tangible evidence demonstrating how much you’ve suffered.

Can Compensation Be Received After An Accident?

If you don’t have medical records to back up your claim, it might significantly reduce the amount of compensation you will receive from the insurance adjuster. Without proof that shows the severity of your accident, they may not feel obligated to provide full coverage for treatments and other costs involved with recovery.

Insurance companies are constantly looking for new ways to reduce their costs, so you should expect minimal support from them when no medical records are available. This scenario is like a dream come true for insurers since they have fewer expenses in this case.

By consulting with a qualified Port Charlotte Car Accident Lawyer, you can obtain a better understanding of what type of reimbursement to expect from your insurer or in the courtroom should legal proceedings be pursued. Even if medical attention was not sought after initially, your attorney will work diligently to present evidence that justifies any expenses and injuries sustained as part of the accident.

Experienced attorneys possess the expertise and tactics to successfully help their clients seek the compensation they rightly deserve. Unfortunately, without medical documentation you won’t be able to put your lawyer in the optimal situation for a favorable outcome.

FGB Law Firm Can Help Get The Compensation You Deserve After A Car Accident In Port Charlotte, Florida

If you live in the Port Charlotte, Florida area and have questions about why medical records are necessary for a successful legal claim, consulting an attorney can be incredibly helpful. Even if you’ve declined medical treatment, it’s still possible to pursue your case; however, your lawyer may caution that the outcome could be less advantageous than if there was supporting documentation from a healthcare professional.

Call our office at 941-979-9010 or complete our online contact form to schedule a consultation today.