When the rain falls, it is essential to take extra caution while driving due to the decreased traction and visibility which can be hazardous, especially at night.

Many out of town visitors may not be familiar with Florida’s heavy rainfall leading to them not taking proper precautions to keep themselves and everyone else on the road as safe as possible. You may think that driving in the rain is an easy task, but when it comes to road safety you should be just as cautious as if there were snow on the ground. In actuality, more accidents happen due to rainfall than snow since many individuals do not take this into account and underestimate its danger; resulting in car accidents that could have been easily avoided.

Rain Related Car Accident Statistics

Rain-related car accidents are often overlooked, but the issue is far more pressing than many realize. Consider these statistics regarding car accidents due to rainfall:

  • Rain causes about 50% of all weather-related accidents.
  • The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that approximately 70% of car accidents caused by inclement weather are the result of reduced traction due to rainfall.
  • Every single year, the effects of weather-induced disasters lead to the loss of about 6,000 lives and result in almost half a million injuries
  • Rain can be attributed to about 10% of all car accidents

Safety Tips For Driving During Rain In Port Charlotte, Florida

Knowing the troubling statistics of car accidents that occur during rain is essential for any driver. With greater awareness, more people may take caution when driving in a storm and reduce their risk of harm to themselves or others. After all, informed drivers are safer drivers.

Here are a few useful safety tips for driving in rainy conditions:

Make Sure Your Vehicle Is Properly Maintained

Make sure your automobile is in top shape and prepared for any type of climate. Take a quick few minutes every morning to check your car’s tire tread depth, headlights, taillights and turn signals before commencing your daily journey.

Replacing your wiper blades when they become worn is essential for keeping a clear view of the road. If you plan on driving in hot and humid climates like Florida, be sure to select tires with high ratings suitable for those conditions. Additionally, make sure that any components or parts that have become damaged or worn are properly maintained and replaced if needed.

Drive At A Safe Speed In Accordance With State Laws

When roads are wet or rainy, remember to drive cautiously and adjust your speed accordingly; this may mean driving slower than the maximum speed allowed. To be safe, you should always leave early when it’s raining outside so that you have enough time to get to work safely. Additionally, never use cruise control while on a rain-soaked road as it can lead to hazardous outcomes.

Always maintain a safe distance between your vehicle and the one in front of you. Do not abruptly brake or make any drastic changes while driving, particularly when roads are wet. Driving during inclement conditions necessitates focus and attentiveness from the driver – keep alert!

Be Aware Of Your Surroundings

Stay focused on the vehicle in front of you, as visibility can be particularly limited during rainfall. On a nice day, drivers may see for hundreds of feet ahead; however, when it’s raining your attentiveness should fixate solely on the car which is directly in front of you. Use this car to gauge how traffic will behave around you and plan accordingly.

Whenever the driver in front of you brakes, it’s essential to reduce your speed as well. Maintain a safe distance from their car; if the road is slick and you brake too hard, there may be an increased probability of skidding. You should stay close enough to see them clearly while still keeping at least one or two car lengths between yourselves – this will help minimize potential risks.

Learn How To Not Over Compensate

While it can be frightening, try to remain as calm as possible if you hydroplane or skid while driving. Once the tires hydroplane, they float on the water like water skis and can’t grip the road. In this case, it is best to let off the gas gradually. Slowly turn the steering wheel in the direction your car travels while hydroplaning, and wait for your tires to regain contact with the road.

Maintain Optimal Visibility

State law requires you to activate your headlights when it starts raining. This will not only give you a clearer view while driving, but they’ll also make sure that other drivers can see you. Ensure that your windshield wipers are on and if needed, use your front and rear window defrosters to eliminate any fog that builds up on the windows.

Never Drive Through Flooded Areas Or Standing Water

Standing water can hide various dangers that can lead to severe personal injury, it’s best to find another route and not risk driving through flooded areas.

Always Put Safety First

If you believe the rain is too heavy to drive in, find a safe spot to pull over and wait. Do not risk your life or anyone else’s on the road if conditions make it unsafe to travel. If you must drive in the rain, remember these safety precautions and do your best to avoid accidents.

Contact A Port Charlotte Car Accident Lawyer

In order to drive safely and confidently, you must be knowledgeable about how your vehicle interacts with different roads in a wide range of weather conditions. Being aware of the slippery effects that rain can have on both the road surface and your car is essential for staying safe on the road. If you or someone you care about has been injured due to an unfortunate car accident caused by rainy conditions, then don’t hesitate – consult with a Port Charlotte auto accident attorney today!

If you’ve been injured in an automobile accident caused by another driver’s reckless behavior while driving in the rain, it is possible that you are eligible to pursue financial compensation. FGB Law Firm will help ensure justice is served as we evaluate your case and hold those responsible accountable for their irresponsible actions. Call 941-979-9010 or complete our online contact form to get your free consultation today.