What’s Her Love Language?
Perhaps you’ve heard of The 5 Love Languages®. While the book was written for couples, the concept works for just about any relationship, to a degree. Knowing Mom’s love language can help you find the perfect way to show her she is appreciated.
In a nutshell, Dr. Gary Chapman, couples counselor, discovered there are basically 5 different ways people prefer to be shown appreciation or love. His book, The 5 Love Languages has helped people in various relationships learn how to show appreciation of others effectively.
Showing Mom Appreciation in a Meaningful Way
It doesn’t take a lot to make most mothers happy. Knowing what her love language is can help you hit the nail on the head, but you don’t need to know that in order to do something loving that she will always remember.
The personal touch is a sure winner. Have the kids write letters or draw pictures of what they appreciate most about Mom. You do the same, and tuck these precious items in a special box. You can find a suitable keepsake box or make one with the kids. What mother won’t appreciate letters of love and affirmation from her spouse and kids?
Find out What Mom Would Really like to Do and Do It!
We always assume Mom wants breakfast in bed or dinner out, at her favorite restaurant, but we don’t often ask her what she really wants to do. She may want to have an afternoon of peace and quiet, so she can take a nap. She may want to ride a horse on the beach. She may even want to go skydiving! You’ll never know what it is that would really bring her pleasure until you ask. Even if it is a little off the wall, make the effort to give her what she really wants.
The Best Mom Award
Who doesn’t like winning awards? Get together with the kids and create a “Best Mom Award,” get it framed (or mounted) and present it to her in her very own award show. Special memories like this will last a lifetime for everyone and bring great satisfaction because you’ve given Mom a gift that can’t be duplicated.
Showing appreciation for all Mom has done throughout the years is a small order when compared to the sacrifices she makes on a regular basis. Frohlich, Gordon, & Beason, P.A., salutes all the moms on this Mother’s Day. Have a wonderful day!