In the event of a car accident, airbags are a standard safety feature that is meant to protect drivers and passengers from the impact of the collision. Airbags work by inflating and essentially providing a cushion for people to fall into when they are pushed forward by the force of the accident. Airbags are effective at preventing injuries in many collision cases, but they can cause injuries as well.
The deployment of an airbag can cause a person to suffer from injuries that they would not have sustained otherwise. Is it possible for injury victims to receive additional compensation if they are injured by an airbag?
Injuries Caused by Airbags
Although an airbag may prevent a person from lurching forward and hitting the dashboard, the force of an airbag inflating can cause separate injuries. They deploy very quickly and can hurt or even kill people in some car accidents.
A person who is harmed by an airbag may sustain injuries such as:
Are Vehicle Manufacturers Liable for Injuries Caused by Airbags?
It’s well-known that air bags can cause harm. Even air bags that are functioning properly can cause injury to drivers and passengers. Most manufacturers have some kind of warning about potential air bag injuries printed inside their cars.
Defective airbags are more likely to cause injury. A defective airbag that does not deploy in the event of an accident can cause a person to be injured because of the lack of impact protection, but a defective airbag that does deploy can be just as dangerous. A defect can cause airbags to explode, deploy too quickly or forcefully, or deploy without an accident occurring.
If a manufacturing defect is the reason an injury occurred, the vehicle manufacturer could be liable. It is possible that their negligence contributed to the defective product, and ultimately resulted in your injuries. It is possible that you may be entitled to additional compensation from the vehicle manufacturer. To discuss your case, contactFrohlich, Gordon & Beason, P.A.
Send us a message or call (941) 979-9010 to schedule a free consultation with our attorneys.